Can ducks eat cilantro AKA coriander? Find out now!

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Cilantro, another name for coriander, is one of the herbs that are grown in the garden and we use them for making dishes all around the world. Besides humans, cilantro is favored by many birds, for example, cockatiels and budgies; however, can ducks eat cilantro?

let’s find out

If you have a lot of cilantro in your garden or some leftovers in your kitchen, you may be wondering if it’s okay to serve them to your ducks.

In this blog post, you will find out if it is good to put cilantro on the ducks. You will also learn ways to introduce new foods to ducks.

To answer the question, Can ducks eat cilantro? cilantro is safe for ducks

  • Cilantro can be served to ducks as a treat. 
  • Cilantro is a wonderful source of potassium and zinc for ducks. 
  • Cilantro can be eaten alone or with other foods for ducks.

If you plan to serve cilantro to your ducks, there is nothing to worry about.

Nutritional nutrients of fresh cilantro(coriander) leaves

Total lipid (fat)0.52g
Carbohydrate, by difference3.67g
Fiber, total dietary2.8g
Sugars, total including NLEA0.87g
Calcium, Ca67mg
Iron, Fe1.77mg
Magnesium, Mg26mg
Phosphorus, P48mg
Potassium, K521mg
Sodium, Na46mg
Zinc, Zn0.5mg
Copper, Cu0.225mg
Manganese, Mn0.426mg
Selenium, Se0.9µg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid27mg
Pantothenic acid0.57mg
Vitamin B-60.149mg
Folate, total62µg
Folate, food62µg
Folate, DFE62µg
Choline, total12.8mg
Vitamin A, RAE337µg
Carotene, beta3930µg
Carotene, alpha36µg
Cryptoxanthin, beta202µg
Vitamin A, IU6750IU
Lutein + zeaxanthin865µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)2.5mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)310µg

Is cilantro toxic to ducks?

Cilantro is safe for ducks. Cilantro does not contain any toxic substances that can affect the health of ducks.

On the contrary, cilantro leaves and seeds provide many health benefits for ducks and ducklings.

As a pet duck owner, it is your responsibility always to do very little research on the new treats you want to offer your ducks.

Just because someone else tells you that your ducks can eat specific snacks doesn’t mean you should start offering them to your ducks.

You must first determine the safety of this food for the ducks and other birds in your yard. The next step is to find out the toxicity level of the new treatment.

Once you have all this knowledge, it will be easier for you to decide whether or not to offer snacks to your ducks.

In addition, this will prevent ducks from getting food poisoning. It doesn’t make sense to spend a lot of resources raising ducks to eliminate them with food that contains toxic substances.

How do I introduce cilantro to my ducks?

Simply put, Introducing cilantro to ducks should not be complicated. Ducks are herbivores in nature.

First, it is crucial to slow down and observe the ducks’ reaction to the snack before you start offering it to them.

You can take a small portion of cilantro from your garden, cut the leaves into small pieces and place them in the duck’s feeder.

If, by chance, you want to give the ducks cilantro seeds, make sure they are dry and then put a small portion in the duck feeder.

The ducks will eat everything you offer in the feeder if they find it tasty. Then you can increase the quantity of cilantro you give your chickens over time slowly.

How often can my ducks eat cilantro?

Now that you know you can put cilantro on your ducks, that doesn’t mean you should always serve every type of cilantro in your garden.

At first, cilantro should be seen as a treat; it is. This means that you should only give them cilantro occasionally. Cilantro is not something you can serve all the time.

More importantly, the majority of the food you are going to serve your ducks should not make up more than 5% of the total feed you will serve them that day.

This will ensure that you provide them with the correct proportion of each essential nutrient in all their feed.

If you happen to be free to use cilantro, it should be consumed no more than twice a week.

Can ducks eat cilantro leaves?

Ducks can eat cilantro leaves. If you want them to eat it well, you should always provide them with fresh cilantro leaves.

You can offer cilantro leaves to ducks in two main ways. First, you can take some leaves from your garden and place them in the duck feeder.

You can also mix the cilantro leaves with water in a bowl and feed them to the ducks. They have to eat the cilantro leaves while drinking the water.

Can ducks eat cooked cilantro?

Some people use cilantro when preparing salsa dishes. There are many different recipes for adding cilantro to the dishes you want to prepare for your family.

If you have some cooked cilantro leftovers, you may be wondering if you can serve them up to the ducks.

I want you to know that ducks can also eat cooked cilantro, but you must eat it in moderation.

Can ducks eat parsley and cilantro?

If you have parsley and cilantro in your garden, you may want to consider feeding both parsley and cilantro to your ducks.

I need to be honest with you; I have never given cilantro and parsley to ducks before.

I can say that ducks can eat both, but you must eat them in moderation and watch them.

Can ducklings eat cilantro?

Ducklings eight weeks and older can consume parsley. They will have developed a digestive system at this age that can break down all of the essential nutrients in cilantro.

Just make sure you serve it in moderation and watch how they respond.

Why won’t my ducks eat cilantro?

  1. Ducks may reject the cilantro you offer them for several reasons.
  2. If they find cilantro unpalatable, they will reject it. If the leaves are mixed with sand, they will reject it.
  3. Ducks will also ignore cilantro if the one you are serving them has a strong odor.

Health benefits of cilantro for ducks

There are many health benefits for ducks when they eat both the leaves and seeds of cilantro.

  • Cilantro is rich in antioxidants. This will strengthen the immune system of ducks and ducklings.
  • Cilantro also contains adequate amounts of vitamin C. The antioxidants and vitamin C complement each other to prevent ducks from becoming susceptible to disease.
  • Vitamin A is one of the essential nutrients in cilantro. Vitamin A helps to improve the ducks’ vision, especially at night.
  • Ducks will benefit from the calcium in cilantro. Calcium helps strengthen the bones of ducks and ducklings.
  • Other essential nutrients that ducks will get from eating cilantro are magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc.

Other Treats You Can Serve Your Ducks

Here are some other treats you can include in your duck and duckling’s meal plan.


Lettuce is one of the ducks’ favorite foods. You can serve lettuce alone or in combination with other healthy vegetables. You can help by cutting them into small pieces before putting them in the feeder.


Cucumbers are another treat that can be served to ducks. Ducks can snack on cucumbers, but if you can cut them into small pieces and put them in the feeder, that’s even better. Ducklings 8 weeks and older can also eat cucumbers.


Ducks can also eat corn, but it’s always best to give them fresh. Ducks find it hard to eat corn on the cob, so you should help them get it out of the cob before serving it to them.


Cabbage is another healthy vegetable that you can serve to your ducks as a treat. You can also do cabbage for your ducklings. You can hang the cabbage on the duck’s stand.


Cilantro is safe for ducks and ducklings. Cilantro does not contain any toxic substances that can harm ducks. Ducks will get essential nutrients and vitamins from eating cilantro. However, it is crucial to consume cilantro in moderation.

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